USLGA Business Directory

Members Who Sell Wholesale or Business to Farms & Shops

February 2025 USLGA Business Directory

The USLGA Business Directory provides:

  1. 70+ USGLA members who sell goods and services to USLGA members 
and the world beyond
  2. Listings by state to help you locate suppliers near you
  3. Fourteen categories of products and services -- with over 144 listings

Note: Additions/Changes to next month's directory are due by the 10th of this month: [email protected].
Your USLGA membership dues must be current to be published in the directory.

General Categories
Farm Equipment & Tools: 
Harvester, Processor, Distillation, Hand Tools 
Culinary Lavender (Bulk Buds & Ready-to-Sell Gourmet Foods)
 Lavender Plants & Plugs Lavender-Themed Gifts & Related Supplies (All Categories)
Lavender Craft: Buds, Bundles, Bouquets, Wands, Wreaths Supplies for Finished Goods (Pkg Supplies, Oils, Ingredients, etc.)
Lavender Health & Beauty Products (Ready-to-Sell) Private Label Manufacturers
 Lodging Consultants & Services

Are you a USLGA Wholesale Vendor?

  • A Wholesale Vendor is defined as a vendor who supplies a lower-priced product, for volume buying, to farms or stores for resale.
  • A Retail Vendor sells directly to the consumer or end-buyer.

Minimum orders for wholesale are typically defined by the product category. Examples of minimum orders:

  • Plant vendor: minimum order is often 150 plants
  • Lavender oil vendor: minimum order of 16 oz of oil
  • Bulk vendors: minimum orders are usually 5 gallons of lotion or 5-pound bags of tea
  • Giftware/Package products: minimum orders are often $250 in merchandise (sold in case-packs of 6s or 12s)
  • If you would like to be listed or have suggestions for improving the listing, please let us know: [email protected]
  • Do you use non-USLGA vendors that would benefit from joining USLGA and advertising in the Business Directory? Please let us know: [email protected]